Here's me, after shower with eye makeup and lipstick only.
In a world filled with countless beauty products and elaborate skincare routines, sometimes simplicity is the key to achieving a natural, glowing complexion. In this blog post, I want to share my minimalist beauty routine that has helped me maintain healthy skin while embracing a fuss-free approach. From skipping face washes to relying on nourishing oils and light makeup, here's a step-by-step guide to my effortless beauty routine.

Step 1: No Face Wash, Just Water:

Contrary to popular belief, my number one s
ecret to a radiant complexion is never washing my face with traditional cleansers. Instead, I prefer to let my skin's natural oils do their work, avoiding the potential disruption of its delicate balance. The only time water touches my face is during hair washing, ensuring that my skin remains clean without stripping away essential moisture.

Step 2: Embracing Oils and Creams:

it can be any oil. 
After letting my face dry, I reach for nourishing oils to provide hydration and replenishment. Oils like butter by elixir or baby oil are my go-to choices, as they offer excellent moisturizing properties without clogging pores. I apply a few drops of oil, gently massaging it into my skin to promote absorption. Following this, I layer a lightweight cream to lock in the moisture and provide additional nourishment.

this amazon find works!

Step 3: Light and Natural Makeup:

While I enjoy enhancing my features, I lean towards a light and natural makeup look. Typically, I focus on my eyes by applying minimal eye makeup, such as a swipe of mascara, eye liner and subtle eyeshadow. I tend to have dark circles under my eyes and a makeup around it is always a must.

Step 4: Essential Sun Protection:

Protecting my skin from harmful UV rays is a non-negotiable step in my beauty routine. Before stepping out, I always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an appropriate SPF. This essential step shields my skin from the sun's damaging effects, preventing premature aging and maintaining its youthful appearance.

Step 5: Gentle Makeup Removal with Oils and Rose Water:

At the end of the day, I prioritize thorough makeup removal to allow my skin to breathe and regenerate. Instead of harsh makeup removers, I rely on natural oils, such as those from Trader Joe's, to gently dissolve and remove makeup. To further cleanse and tone my skin, I incorporate rose water (I found mine at tjmaxx), which not only removes any residue but also provides a refreshing and soothing experience.

Maintaining a minimalist beauty routine has allowed me to simplify my skincare regimen while embracing my natural beauty. By skipping face washes (I have super dry skin and would not recommend this to anyone who has oily skin), embracing nourishing oils, opting for light makeup, prioritizing sun protection, and using gentle yet effective makeup removers, I have found a balance that works for me. Remember, beauty is not about the number of products we use but rather about embracing our unique features and nurturing our skin in a way that aligns with our individual preferences and needs.


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